The Wrong Login Can Kill An App is a mobile app designed to help elevators serve their farmers.  Earlier competitors had farmers log in every time they wanted to use the app.  All the competitors failed.

Bushel’s secret sauce, login once with a phone number, keep the user logged in for one year.  I’m sure they are using some sort of long lived token or device ID in the background.

They are able to demonstrate value from the app in under 2 minutes and they keep it valuable so the farmer wants to keep coming back.

Jake Joraanstad the CEO of

At the Sioux Falls Innovation Expo

Author: Jay Fisher

I'm a product guy focused on building great consumer experiences. Gathering quick feedback and building internal consensus by iteratively improving on minimally viable products. My background is in consumer products and finance, I greatly enjoy tackling the challenges involved in financial services and technical product management I love making new professional acquaintances. Reach out ( if you want to talk technology, business, product management, or agile.

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